Course Type

ANP Certificate Program

Duration: 10 days


The introductory course Attachment, Neurodevelopment, & Psychopathology has a corresponding advanced ANP Certificate Programme course.

It is open to 10 professionals who, upon successful completion of the assignments, will receive an ANP Certificate. The ANP Certificate is jointly issued by the Tavistock Centre and Family Relations Institute.

The central purpose of the programme is learning to develop customized treatment plans, based on systematic assessment of functioning. Each course participant will develop and submit one case study with a treatment plan.

To apply for the ANP Certificate Course one must

  • (a) take ANP
  • (b) have a post-graduate degree
  • (c) provide summaries of the readings on the ANP Reading List.

Ten applicants (preferably a group that varies by discipline) will be invited to enroll in the ANP Certificate Programme. There is a separate fee for this individualized course.

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Patricia Crittenden

Patricia M. Crittenden, PhD is a developmental psychopathologist with many years’ experience as an academic and practitioner in child maltreatment, attachment theory and family therapy. She was taught by Mary Ainsworth and was on the Faculties of Psychology at the Universities of Virginia and Miami. She held visiting positions at the Universities of Helsinki and Bologna, the Clark Institute of Psychiatry (Canada), San Diego State University (USA) and Edith Cowan University (Australia). She developed the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of Attachment and Adaptation and is one of the founders of the International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA). In 2004, she received a Career  Achievement Award from the European Family Therapy Association. She has published more than 150 scientific papers and several books

Andrea Landini Andrea Landini M.D. is a child and adolescent psychiatrist. He received his medical training at the University of Modena and trained as both a cognitive-constructivist psychotherapist and a family therapist. His clinical practice includes psychotherapy with adults and adolescents, as well as work with parents and supervision of residential staff. He is on the visiting faculties of several Italian schools of cognitive and family systems psychotherapy. He is implementing the IASA Family Attachment Court Protocol in the Milan courts. For two decades, he collaborated with Crittenden in the development of the Dynamic-Maturational Model, translating four books, co-authoring many research articles, and publishing numerous chapters on using the DMM to guide treatment. He has participated in numerous research projects and is an author on many books and articles resulting from them.