
Andrea Landini
Andrea Landini, M.D., is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Modena and his training as a Cognitive-Constructivist Psychotherapist at Centro Studi in Psicoterapia Cognitiva (Firenze). His clinical practice includes psychotherapy with adults, adolescents and families, supervision of staff caring for out-of- home youth, and supervision of psychotherapy students. He collaborated with Crittenden in the development of the Dynamic-Maturational Model, publishing chapters on DMM assessment applications of the DMM treatment.
He teaches the DMM and its assessment methods in Italy and internationally and teaches at several Italian schools of cognitive and family systems psychotherapy.

Patricia M. Crittenden
Founder, Director of Research and Publication
Patricia M. Crittenden studied under Mary. D. Ainsworth from 1978 until 1983, when she received her Ph.D. as a psychologist in the Social Ecology and Development Program at the University of Virginia.
In addition to Mary Ainsworth’s constant guidance and support, her psychology master’s thesis, on the CARE-Index, was developed in consultation with John Bowlby and her family systems research, on patterns of family functioning in maltreated families, was accomplished with guidance from E. Mavis Hetherington.
She also holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education, with specializations in mental retardation and emotional disturbance (University of Virginia, 1969.)