Books & journals to purchase
- Buy Raising Parents book
- Buy The Adult Attachment Interview book
- Child Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry has published in the last year a series of DMM-related papers, culminating in a whole DMM special issue. Search the journal and subscribe. Click for CCPP table of contents.
DMM Books – English
- Crittenden, P.M. (in press).
Loving & learning: Promoting attachment through baby play.
Hove, UK: Pavilion. - Crittenden, P. M. (2015).
Raising parents: Attachment, representation, and treatment, 2nd edition.
London, UK: Routledge. - Crittenden, P. M., Dallos, R., Landini, A, & Kozlowska, K. (2014).
Attachment and family therapy.
London: Open University Press. - Hautamäki, A. (Ed.) (2014)
The Dynamic-Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation – Theory and Practice.
University of Helsinki, SSKH, Skrifter, 37. - Fleury, T. & Barthel, K. (2014).
Conversations with a rattlesnake: Raw and honest reflections on healing and trauma.
Vancouver, Canada: Influence Publishing. - Baim, C., & Morrison, T. (2011).
- Attachment-based practice with adults: Understanding strategies and promoting positive change.
Brighton: Pavilion. - Crittenden, P. M., & Landini, A. (2011).
Assessing adult attachment: A dynamic-maturational method of discourse analysis.
New York: Norton. - Crittenden, P. M. (2008).
Raising parents: Attachment, parenting, and child safety.
Collumpton, UK: Routledge/Willan Publishing. - Dallos, R. (2006).
Attachment narrative therapy
McGraw Hill. - Wilkinson, S. (2003).
Coping and complaining: Attachment and the language of dis-ease.
London: Brunner-Routledge. - Crittenden, P. M. & Claussen, A.H. (Eds.) (2000).
The organization of attachment relationships: Maturation, culture, and context.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
DMM Books – Finnish
- Sinkkonen, J. (2011).
Patricia Crittendenin ajattelu ammentaa monista lähteistä.
In Sinkkonen, J. & Kalland, M. (Eds.)
Varhaislapsuuden tunnesiteet ja niiden suojeleminen (pp.237-243).
Helsinki: WSOYpro.
DMM Books – German
- Stokowy, M., & Sahhar, N. (Eds.) (2012).
Bindung und Gefahr.
Das Dynamische Reifungsmodell von Bindung und Anpassung.
Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
DMM Books – Italian
- Crittenden P., Landini A., Dallos R., Kozlowska K. (2021)
Attaccamento e terapia familiare
Franco Angeli - Cena, L., Imbasciati, A., & Baldoni, F. (Eds.) (2012).
Prendersi cura dei bambini e dei loro genitori.
La ricerca clinica per l’intervento.
Springer-Verlag, Milano. - Baldoni, F. (2010).
La prospettiva psicosomatica.
Dalla teoria alla pratica clinica, Il Mulino, Bologna. - Cena L., Imbasciati A., & Baldoni F. (Eds.) (2010).
La relazione genitore-bambino.
Dalla psicoanalisi infantile alle nuove prospettive evoluzionistiche dell’attaccamento.
Springer Verlag, Milano. - Crittenden, P. M. (2008).
Il modello dinamico-maturativo dell’attaccamento.
Translated by Andrea Landini, Milano: Cortina. - Crittenden, P. M. (1999).
Attaccamento in età adulta.
L’approccio dinamico-maturativo alla Adult Attachment Interview.
Edizione Italiana a cura di Graziella Fava Vizziello e Andrea Landini.
Milano: Cortina. - Crittenden, P. M. (1997).
Pericolo, sviluppo e adattamento.
Trans. Andrea Landini. Milano: Masson. - Crittenden, P. M. (1994).
Nuove prospettive sull’attaccamento: Teoria e pratica in famiglie ad alto rischio.
Trans. Andrea Landini. Milano: Guerini Studio.
DMM Books – Norwegian
- Wilkinson, S. (2008).
Lidelse og lindring: tilknytning og sykdomsspråk.
Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
DMM Books – Spanish
- Crittenden, P. M. (2002). Nuevas Implicaciones Clínicas de la Teoría del Apego.
Translated by Mayte Miro. Valencia, Spain: Editorial Promolibro.